The Rainbow Party's official website is

A domain lookup of, freely available from the internet website, reveals that Lubi Uzunovski is the registrant and administrator of the Rainbow Party's website:

A quick domain lookup reveals that Mr. Lubi Uzunovski is the registrant and administrator of the website:

Hence both and are administered by and registered to Mr. Lubi Uzunovski.
The Rainbow Party website implicitly sanctions and recommends through a link advertised on their website as can be evidenced by the following list of links taken from their website:

Readers should be concerned by the fact that the Rainbow Party has associated itself with Mr. Uzunovski by implicitly sanctioning and by having their official website,, admistered by and registered to Mr. Uzunovski.
To illustrate why the relationship between Uzunovski, his website, and the Rainbow Party is indicative that the Rainbow Party is interested more in propaganda and less in civility, human rights and integrity, let us first examine statements from their manifesto which is published on their website.
To begin with the Rainbow manifesto claims that they have aligned itself with anti-chauvanist and anti-nationalists forces in Greece:

If the Rainbow Party is so concerned with aliging themselves with anti-nationalist and anti-chauvanist forces why have they allowed their official website to be registered to and administered by Mr. Uzunovski who holds the following beliefs which he regularly advertises on, the same which the Rainbow Party implicitly sanctions with an advertised link.
Uzunovski's Belief #1: Hellenism is a disease and a cult:

Uzunovski's Belief #2: Modern Greeks fake their ethnic Heritage and belong to a cult.

Uzunovski's Belief #3: Greeks are "Twats". The Greek identity was invented by a 17 year old King who lived in the 19th century:

Mr Uzunovski's feelings regarding the Greek nation:

Furthermore, the Rainbow Manifesto claims that they promote friendly and peaceful relations with their neighbours:

Perhaps the Rainbow Party should be equally concerned with promoting friendly and peaceful relations with the Greek people they live amongst by not advertising a website where one can read the following racist filth authored by a forum moderator:

This racist filth is akin to Nazi ideology which suggested the Jews were an inferior race. This racist filth was authored by a forum moderator on who was given moderator status by Mr. Uzunovski.
Finally, in the following example Mr. Uzunovski hinted at acts of violence against Greeks in diaspora communities. If the Rainbow Party was so concerned about inter ethnic relations, anti-chauvanism and anti-nationalism why would they associate themselves with Mr. Uzunovski and his website?

If the Rainbow Party was an American political party one can only imagine the public outcry if the party's official website advertised a link to a site where Jewish people or African American people were described in the same manner in which Mr. Uzunovski and his cohort(s) describe Greek people. It is hypocritical for the Rainbow Party of Greece to tout itself as a champion for human rights while implicitly sanctioning the notions put forth by Mr. Uzunovski and his maknews cronies.
Chris post and the Uzunovski death threats to the Diaspora Greeks. The link is here.
Thanks for the link Akritas, ive posted Mr. Uzunovski's statement.
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