Wednesday, March 12, 2008 members vote to BAN me for good

After exposing the administrator's claim about his great grandfather fighting in an 'ethnic Macedonian' unit against the Ottoman Turks in 1903, my account was suspended.

I emailed the administrator, who posts under the pseudonym 'Maknews', a request to allow me back on the forums with a promise not to mention his great grandfather again. Mr. Maknews decided to put up a poll in his forum, knowing very well that I would never get a majority vote, to determine if I were to be allowed access again. Of course he created a 'democratic' poll in order to sell the image that he is trying to propagate of a fair and objective administrator.

This was the result:


Some of the nationalists that frequent those forums despised my contributions and my challenges to the maknews version of history as is evidenced by this contributor:


In the end, Mr. Maknews made the call to ban me for good (as if there would be any other outcome!)



Anonymous said...

Chris, you are the man brother!
Getting banned from maknews should be an honour! They cannot handle historical accuracy and are committed to discrediting anything that possesses historical integrity. We must challenge their propaganda machine on all fronts. Their silly revisionism is slowly but surely being exposed on a daily basis. The rest of the world is starting to understand the Greek government's postion now. Keep up the good work, file! Their distorions and fabrications will be coming to a grinding hault in the very near future! The wheels are already in motion, and it is mainly their ridiculous claims that further illegitimacies.

Yia sou megale!

Anonymous said...

ha ! about a month ago i send an email, to register in that forum, so i can reply to their propaganda with FACTS, do you want to know the answer of administrator send me ? We don't accept Greeks !!!!! (my ip adress reveal me) just that '' WE DONT ACCEPT GREEKS'' !!!!!!!!!!! fanatic and propagandist people, this site-forum is a danger for humanity, Again people from vardarska shows their idiocy meets no boundaries !!

Yiannis Trivelhs
Veroia Greece